Goof afternoon, actually that should be ‘Good afternoon’, though the former is quite apt, goof is a cool word. I lovingly address one of our dogs by the name ‘Goofball’ because he can be daft on occasion.

I have done my normal trick of leaving too many days between posts and that’s not a problem per se, but you kind of lose the momentum, which means when you actually come to write…you got nothing. Let’s see if we can find something for you.

I did write “8 Points To Keep In Mind When Striving For Online Success” and posted that on the WA platform, which was Goof afternoon, actually that should be 'Good afternoon'.nice. Have a look if you feel so inclined. I took notes whilst watching a video from Ashley Digital. I don’t think that’s his real surname though, that’s his YouTube Channel name.

A few of the ‘entrepreneurs’ I follow put out very useful content, yes they promote their own stuff as well but not all the time and I like that. Anyway, I watched the video, took notes and then wrote about it, simples. It was called “How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing FOR BEGINNERS 2021 | No Money Or Website Needed” which is a very long title.

I have obviously been in a ‘sponge’ like state over these few days, listening and writing and taking some action as well. What’s the old adage? Dreams without goals are just dreams.

We can all have dreams and aspirations but if you want to realise them, you have to do something about it. When you’re in the zone everything conspires to help your quest.

I stumbled upon an audio track from the 1950s by Earl Nightingale and that was the icing on the cake. ‘The Strangest Secret in the World’. It was packed full of straight-up, solid advice. Needless to say, I took copious amounts of notes.

So, in between all of this, I have also been taking action. Today I began a small foray into ‘domaining’. For those of you that don’t know what that is, in simple terms, it’s the buying and selling of domain names.

In my case, there was a slight twist, so only half of the definition remains true. I have bought three domains but for the moment I have no intention of selling them.

Instead, I have redirected them to various pages on Amazon. I’m no expert and I haven’t invested a fortune in this venture, I just wanted to see if it works and if it does, boom bada boom, if it doesn’t, then I can always sell them on.

Back to Ashley’s video, would you like to know what the eight items were that are mentioned in the title? Fine, if you insist but you can have the condensed version. Ready? Here goes.

Points To Keep In Mind For Success Online

  • Integrity
  • Say it how it is
  • Don’t promote bad products
  • Learn ‘marketing’ the right way
  • Don’t ‘spam’
  • Be yourself
  • If it looks too good to be true…
  • Concentrate on your journey and less on the money

Read the article, if you would like the extended version.

I love listening while I am working, in essence, it’s my own way of multi-tasking. I am sat here, now, listening to various clips of Matthew McConaughey, in some guise or another but mainly giving inspirational speeches. He has a great voice.

I am drawn to the music that played in ‘Interstellar’. The soundtrack was by Hans Zimmer but the track that is the underlying theme throughout the film is called “Where We’re Going” and it really gets me going but I am a sucker for anything Hans Zimmer and don’t get me started on Lisa Gerrard.

I am not sure how many times I have seen Gladiator but every time, without fail, it has me in tears. Sure, some of the scenes are sad but the emotion portrayed is amplified by the music. I’ve been the same since I was a wee one, music can be very powerful.

Well, I think it’s time to wrap this one up, as one of my lads would say, it’s been emotional. No promises for the next post, though I am in the zone, so you never know.

If you’re bored and feel like reading something else then feel free to check out ‘Solfeggio and Thunder, what good can come of that?’ which was my last offering on here.

For now, I will bid you adieu.

Twack Romero